West Coast Cryogenics Solutions, Inc 12070 Pendleton Troy Road
Troy, TX 76579


Combo Chiller

West Coast Cryogenics Combo Chiller offers the beef and poultry industry a cost-effective solution for chilling combo bins. The unit has three modes of operation, time weight and manual to layer bins with CO2. No matter what mode you run CO2 will evenly be dispersed across the bin. The system is controlled with an Allen Bradley PLC which controls injection time exhaust. Management can now set the amount and how often the unit evenly layers CO2 in the bins eliminating hot spots.

With the use of a 7” panel view HMI the operator can easily change set points, monitor the status of the unit and control the exhaust system. All safety interlocks can be monitored on the screen allowing easy maintenance and troubleshooting in order to prevent prolonged unit downtime. An open top exhaust system is used to ensure 80% of the exhaust is captured. A secondary scavenger exhaust is used to capture the remaining CO2 and will continue to run as programmed.

The unit is designed to the highest hygienic standards minimizing all harboring points and ensuring all areas of the unit can be easily cleaned and inspected. The West Coast Cryogenics Combo Chiller can easily be customized to any configuration and can be modified for different size bins. With state of the art controls, customization, and its cost efficiency it is the ideal choice for chilling combo bins.

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